Felicity hosts fifth annual Urban Retreat

Look back and learn; look forward and build On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, I was excited to join my fellow Felicity communications and content professionals to attend our fifth annual urban retreat. The day-long event was held at Montecito, the hip and happening...

Don’t be Tricked. Treat yourself to Cyber Security.

October is a scary month, but not because of the Halloween ghouls and ghosts. October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and now, more than ever, is a good time to take stock of all the passwords and security measures you have in place. As recent as the beginning of...

CHFA East Conference Highlights

Our team at Felicity is thrilled to have been selected as the PR partner of the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA), Canada’s largest trade association dedicated to natural health and organic products. We’ll be working together to increase consumer engagement and...

7 Reasons Why Moms Make Amazing Entrepreneurs

When I started thinking about a topic for my  very first article on the Felicity Blog (one that I would need to write in English — my second language!), I started reflecting on how becoming a mom of two very energetic and sharp-minded kids has made me a better...

Top 5 Apps For Increased Productivity

I’ll admit it: When it comes to paper products and back-to-school supplies, consider me obsessed. There isn’t a notepad, Post-It pack or weekly planner I won’t purchase. But in this era where my phone is my lifeline (and likely most of you can relate!), I also rely...

From the Classroom to the Virtual Meeting Room

The transition from school to work can be a real test of skill. Everything that school tries to prepare us for as students is finally put to the test. I would consider myself a student of life – constantly learning in every situation. There is always a lesson to...

Is wellbeing washed up?

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How can I take my brand’s wellbeing story from languishing to flourishing?

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