Thrown Back Thursdays, Terms of Service, Sexism & Censorship of Motherhood

Every “Throwback” Thursday many of us post nostalgic photos of our favourite memories from years gone by. Expedia wants to help take you back to the scenes where they originated. But before you go sharing yet another image on social media…have you taken a look at what you’ve made accessible by creating an account? These terms are in part how it’s possible that moms are seeing the images they’ve posted to Instagram disappear. Of course, this isn’t the only place where motherhood is put down. Just ask Lyndsey Kirkham who allegedly overheard a very inappropriate conversation among IBM executives at a Toronto restaurant.

Throw Me Back, Expedia
It can be a risky move to try and capitalize on a popular meme – but Expedia appears to be pulling it off with their new #throwmeback campaign. Submit a photo you would typically post for Throwback Thursday and you might just find yourself back on the beach with your family, reliving that moment from a favourite vacation.
[Creativity Online]

Just Click ‘Agree’
Admit it: how many times have you really looked at the terms of service to which you are agreeing when you sign up for a new online service or account? The vast majority of internet users barely scan the words before scrolling and clicking yes.But what exactly is it you’ve just said yes to? The answers may surprise you.

Motherhood on Instagram
Every day it seems as though another Instagram account run by a mom – often one with thousands of people following her – is shut down due to ‘violations’ that typically range from a breastfeeding photo to an infant wearing just a diaper. Despite a growing movement to convince the company to change their terms —or at least be more lenient about photos that accurately portray motherhood — so far Instagram —and parent company Facebook —have had little to say.

IBM Execs on Hiring Women
At one time or another, all of us have encountered opinions with which we don’t agree.. But when Lyndsey Kirkham overheard a group of male executives from IBM making grossly inappropriate comments about their female colleagues, she fought back the best way she knew how – by live-tweeting it.

Posted on: July 25th, 2014 by

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